Waitara Central Kindy kids receive snuggly winter PJs

This winter, Waitara Central Kindy students received snuggly winter PJs donated as part of the Waitara Initiatives Supporting Employment (WISE) Trust’s annual PJ drive. 1,500 pairs of pajamas were donated, meaning 750 children will benefit as each child receives two pairs – one to fit them now, and another to grow into.

Rachel Broadmore, Community Partnerships at Todd Energy, was delighted to help handout the PJs together with staff from WISE. “WISE is a friend of Todd’s already as we support their Healthy Homes Programme – so we were thrilled to support their annual PJ drive for another year,” says Rachel.

“Todd Energy employees donated five boxes full of PJs and it was lovely to be able to meet some of the kids receiving them this year and see the joy on their faces!”