The first stage of Te Mahere Rerenga Rauropi, the Mangahewa D wellsite biodiversity project, has been successfully completed with the onsite bund planting finished in October.
This planting was a crucial step to meet resource consent conditions aimed at mitigating the visual impact of the wellsite development on our neighbours and the community. Before any planting work began, karakia was performed and the kaimahi walked across the bund in unison to acknowledge the spiritual and archaeological significance of the whenua.
The project was named by the hapū and iwi of the Kaitiaki Forum, which includes representatives from two hapū, one iwi, and Todd Energy. This project is the first phase in a larger project that will be carried out over the coming years and is the result of regular Kaitiaki Forum meetings, which have been held quarterly since the wellsite extension consent was granted 18 months ago.
Te Mahere Rerenga Rauropi will be entirely executed by Kaitiaki Forum representatives and their operational entities. For stage one, Ngā Ringawera Otaraua handled the pre-spraying and provided the plants, while Te Kāhui Maru carried out the planting mahi with support from Tupu ā nuku and Ngā Ringawera Otaraua.
Todd Energy would like to extend a big ngā mihi nui to all our Kaitiaki Forum partners. See the selection of photos below for all the day’s action.