This winter, Otaraua Hapū led a project to regenerate biodiversity at the Mangahewa Stream near Todd’s
McKee Mangahewa Production Station (MMPS) carpark.
Commenced by Todd Energy in 2019 with planting and fencing of the Stream margin, this integrated biodiversity project is now being conducted by Otaraua Hapū on behalf of Todd.
The last couple of months have seen the completion of Phase 1, which was kicked-off with a beautiful early morning Karakia.
“A Karakia was conducted on the early morning of 11 May 2022 as this is Tikanga (protocol) of the local Hapū of Otaraua before any works on the Whenua and our Awa begin,” says an Otaraua Hapū spokesperson. “The purpose of this Karakia was to ask our Atua (gods) and Tūpuna (ancestors) for their blessings to initiate the restoration planting project along the Mangahewa Awa.
It is also to acknowledge their protection and guardianship of all the Taonga Rākau (Native Plants) and Kaimahi (workers) on site. This is an act of respect and appreciation for the natural resources that Papatuanuku and Tane Mahuta provide.”
Phase 1 saw the completion of weed control, infill native planting, clearing of log jams, erosion management and planning and setting up of the trap network. Phase 2 is scheduled to kick off next year and will include weed control and planting of ~4,000 m2 of recently fenced paddock upstream
of the carpark. Planting maintenance, trap clearing, and water testing will be ongoing.
Ka pai to the Hapū for their awesome work; we can’t wait to see the biodiversity gains from this mahi in years to come.